Knowing Your MS | Living Like You

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When faced with MS, knowledge is power

The more you learn about your MS, the more you can help shape your future.
By knowing more, you will be more prepared to have meaningful conversations with your doctor.

Become your own champion in your journey with MS.

Know your own MS

Disease activity you see and feel, and activity you don’t

In MS, there’s activity you see (disability and MS relapses) and activity that you don’t (MS activity in the brain).
MS can affect you in ways you can see and feel (like relapses), and in more subtle ways that can only be found by clinical tests, like an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging).

Whether you’re newly diagnosed or have had MS for years, it’s important to know and understand your own MS and your options.
And know when to talk to your doctor.

Your journey towards finding the right MS treatment begins with the right knowledge. Get started today.

Learn about striking the right balance

Learn about striking
the right balance

Learn about high efficacy treatments

Learn about high efficacy

Discover 3 main goals in treating MS

Discover 3 main goals in
treating MS

Find resources to help you talk about MS

Find resources to help you
talk about MS

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